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Computerenergy's CROSSREF
Cross Reference Utility
Version 1.02
Proprietary Notice
CROSSREF is a proprietary product developed by Richard C. Bemis and
distributed by Computerenergy Corporation, Denver, Colorado.
Copyright 1982 by Richard C. Bemis and Computerenergy Corporation. All
rights reserved except those expressly granted to the user within this
Computerenergy Corporation, PO Box 6267, Denver, CO 80206 (303) 233-9118
Source: ST6070
- i -
Section Page
CHAPTER 1 CROSSREF DISTRIBUTION NOTICE ............................. 1
CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION ............................................. 2
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM SETUP ............................................. 3
3.1 Copying CROSSREF ............................................ 3
3.2 Program Setup - Final Installation .......................... 3
CHAPTER 4 OPERATION ................................................ 4
4.1 Execution ................................................... 4
4.2 Entering Responses .......................................... 4
4.3 Maillist/Donation Assistance ................................ 4
4.4 Program Entry ............................................... 4
4.5 Statistics and Limitations .................................. 5
4.5.1 Limitations ............................................ 5
4.6 Programming Tip ............................................. 6
CHAPTER 5 OPTION DEFAULTS .......................................... 7
5.1 Program Name Extension ...................................... 7
5.2 Beginning Program Line Number ............................... 7
5.3 Ending Program Line Number .................................. 7
5.4 Changing Default Options .................................... 7
CHAPTER 6 OTHER INFORMATION ........................................ 9
6.1 Distribution Disk Contents .................................. 9
6.2 System Requirements ......................................... 9
6.3 Disclaimer .................................................. 9
CROSSREF - ii - Computerenergy Corporation
CROSSREF is being distributed using the "Freeware"* approach. To those
of you unfamiliar with this approach, it works like this. You may send
either a preformatted single-sided disk (or a prepaid contribution for
our disk and mailer) to us with a prepaid return mailer and we will send
a complete copy of the product. If the product does not meet your needs,
please pay nothing. If the product does meet your needs, and you can use
it, then we would appreciate a contribution of whatever you feel is
appropriate. Naturally, we have probably given you a clue in several
places as to what is our "completely unprejudiced opinion" of an
appropriate contribution amount. Contributions are completely voluntary
and much encouraged.
Even if you do not contribute, you are encouraged to copy and distribute
the product freely subject to the following restrictions:
1. Do not distribute altered copies. Note: You may distribute a
separate set of modifications to merge in if you wish but they
must be clearly identified as not originating from
Computerenergy. If you do make modifications, we would like to
see what you've done, if possible, for future versions.
2. The product is to be distributed as a complete "distribution
copy" produced by the copy utility provided with the product for
this purpose.
3. No fee is to be charged for copying or distributing the program
without an express written agreement with Computerenergy
4. Commercial sale of this product in any manner is prohibited
without Computerenergy's written permission. Some products will
be released with this permission automatically given and
expressly stated.
User Groups/Clubs: Computerenergy's freeware products may be distributed
by Clubs and User Groups subject to the same restrictions. We would ask
only that contributions to our continuing efforts be encouraged by those
performing such distribution.
Computer Bulletin Boards: Computerenergy's freeware products may be
distributed by BBS's subject to the same restrictions and contribution
encouragement. However, as the products tend to be large and consist of
several files, we have some concern as to the reliability of
transmissions and length of connect time. Perhaps disks could be mailed
or just the documentation placed on the board for browsers.
* The Freeware concept was initially developed by Andrew Fluegelman and
the term "FREEWARE" is a trademark of The Headlands Press, Inc. The
Headlands Press provides a catalog of information about Freeware products
available from multiple sources. They may be contacted at PO Box 862,
Tiburon, CA 94920 or Source: TCP204 or Compuserve: 71435,1235.
CROSSREF - 1 - Computerenergy Corporation
Computerenergy's Cross Reference was created to make programming and
maintenance jobs easier. We feel that a computer should help as much as
possible in its own development efforts. CROSSREF is a tool that
produces a cross-reference for each reference to a variable or a line
number within a program. Multiple occurances of a variable or a line
number on a single line will be referenced for each occurance.
After you have setup the system and read the Operation chapter, we
recommend that you try CROSSREF on some of your own programs. If you are
going to "wing-it" without reading further, then SAVE the Basic program
to be cross-referenced in ASCII (true wingers understand this), type
CROSSREF, and good luck!
CROSSREF - 2 - Computerenergy Corporation
The Cross Reference distribution disk contains a version of the program
in compiled format along with its Syntax file and Options file. Compiled
versions are being distributed as they execute much faster.
3.1 Copying CROSSREF
There is a batch file which copies the entire distribution disk for
backup or distribution purposes. We highly recommend making a
backup copy before proceeding as it is safer and the mails can be
Place the Cross Reference distribution disk in Drive A: and a
formatted disk without DOS on it in Drive B:. While in DOS, type
CRCOPY and follow any instructions.
3.2 Program Setup - Final Installation
We recommend that a copy of CROSSREF, its control file CROSSWDS.DAT
and its options file CROSSOPT, all be placed on a Basic Program
Development DOS System disk if possible. If this is your first
run-through, do not perform this step yet - use your copy of the
distribution disk and proceed to the Operation Chapter.
1. Copy CROSSREF.EXE to the System disk.
A Sample COPY command might be:
2. Copy the CROSSWDS.DAT file to the same disk. This file must be
available any time CROSSREF is used.
A sample COPY command might be:
3. Copy the CROSSOPT file to the same disk. This file must also be
available any time CROSSREF is used.
A sample COPY command might be:
CROSSREF - 3 - Computerenergy Corporation
4.1 Execution
Starting Cross Reference is simply a matter of entering DOS and
typing CROSSREF followed by the Enter key.
4.2 Entering Responses
You will quickly notice that all input requested by Cross Reference
is at the bottom of the screen, following a prompt, and contained
within a "target". We have found that a relatively constant area
for data entry is superior to the more typical design of
"fill-in-the-blanks" as it minimizes eye travel and usually makes
for a more consistant entry process. All responses are completed by
pressing the Enter key. In several prompts, and on the keyboard,
the Enter key is represented by a symbol roughly similar to this:
In addition to the normal editing functions provided for inner-field
editing there are a couple of special functions available:
Field Erase: Press the ESC key to erase an entry and start
over or to change a field that has a pre-loaded
Field Backup: Press the Up-Arrow to "backup" to the previous
entry. The current entry will be erased as you
Note: You can "backup" as far as you like until
the very beginning of the program.
4.3 Maillist/Donation Assistance
The first screen you see is a title, information, and copyright
screen with a "Press Enter to continue or space for
Maillist/Donation assistance" prompt. Normally, you will press the
Enter key to start CROSSREF. If you press the space bar, a program
will run which will help you print a letter that you can send to us
to be sure you are placed on our maillist - particularly important
if you did not receive your copy directly from us. Amazingly
enough, the letter will even assist you in making a contribution but
that is not required (nice though).
Note: The assistance program - CRMAIL - is contained on the
distribution disk and its copies but should not be copied to your
DOS development disk as it is large, not required, and a waste of
disk space. CRMAIL is chained from CROSSREF as it resides on the
distribution disk or may be executed directly from the distribution
disk by typing CRMAIL.
4.4 Program Entry
The next question you will be asked is to specify the Drive address
that contains the program(s) to be referenced. This is followed by
the Program Entry screen. Up to 25 programs may be specified to be
CROSSREF - 4 - Computerenergy Corporation
listed in sequence at one time. NOTE: Each program must be
previously saved in ASCII format using the ",A" option of the Save
command in Basic. Example:
SAVE "B:progname.S",A
We use the .S extension for "Source" to differentiate between Basic
encoded programs and those saved in ASCII. This approach also
provides 2 copies of each program as it is developed - a sort of
automatic backup. Any program extension may be used.
If a program is read by CROSSREF that has accidentally not been
saved in ASCII, CROSSREF will display an ERR=62 message and return
to DOS.
For each program to be listed, CROSSREF asks for 3 pieces of
information - program name, beginning line number to start listing,
ending line number to end listing. Each program name may be entered
without an extension and CROSSREF will append the default Program
Name Extension from the options file (originally = ".S"). If the
program is entered with an extension, then the entered extension
will be used.
Each line number field is pre-loaded with a default value from the
options file which may be changed most easily by pressing the ESC
key and keying a new number or backspacing and re-keying the number.
The default value is selected by pressing the Enter key. The
beginning and ending lines specified will limit the lines checked
for references but will still list all references found within the
range even if they refer to lines beyond the range.
4.5 Statistics and Limitations
After each program's references have been listed, a short
statistical summary is printed. The summary includes the number of
lines read/processed, symbols referenced, references, beginning
line, and ending line. Both variable names and line numbers that
are referenced are defined as symbols.
4.5.1 Limitations
The critical number from CROSSREF's point of view is the number of
symbols. CROSSREF's current architecture will handle 500 symbols.
If a program contains more symbols than that, we recommend that the
reference be done in 2 or more parts.
If you are using a 64K system, the maximum number of references is
around 1000. If you have a 96K or larger system, the maximum is
much larger.
It should also be mentioned that CROSSREF will only print the first
12 characters of a variable name. Each variable name's references
are kept correctly by their full name though not fully reflected on
the table.
CROSSREF - 5 - Computerenergy Corporation
4.6 Programming Tip
CROSSREF can be used to help compact programs by locating unused
variables that may no longer be required for a program. Look for
any variable names that are referenced only once - they may be
candidates for deletion.
CROSSREF - 6 - Computerenergy Corporation
The CROSSREF Options file - CROSSOPT - contains three data items
that are used by CROSSREF to preload entries for you. They are
referred to as default options or defaults.
5.1 Program Name Extension
The Program Name Extension option is used by CROSSREF to concatenate
to any program name that is entered without an extension. We use .S
for "Source" to differentiate from Basic encoded programs (.BAS) but
any extension is acceptable.
If a program name is entered with an extension, this option is
5.2 Beginning Program Line Number
The Beginning Program Line Number default establishes a value that
will be preloaded into the Beginning Line Number prompt request for
each program to be referenced. The value may be changed at entry
time if desired.
We tend to place a significant number of routines (the MONITOR) at
lines 10 - 9999 and therefore do not wish to list these routines
over and over. The beginning value we use is 10000 but any valid
line number is acceptable.
5.3 Ending Program Line Number
The Ending Program Line Number default establishes a value that will
be preloaded into the Ending Line Number prompt request for each
program to be referenced. The value may be changed at entry time if
The value we use is 65529, which is the highest valid line number
for a Basic program and therefore will list to the end of the
program. Any valid line number is acceptable.
5.4 Changing Default Options
The Option file - CROSSOPT - is a sequential file that contains a
single record with 3 fields. The record, as distributed, contains
the 3 default values in sequence: Program Name Extension, Beginning
Program Line Number, Ending Program Line Number separated by commas.
The record looks like: .S,10000,65529
The file may be accessed and modified with EDLIN or any other text
editor or word processor that works with PC-DOS compatible
sequential ASCII files.
If you are using EDLIN, the easiest way to change the defaults is as
1. Assuming that the CROSSOPT file is on the default drive, and
while in DOS, enter "EDLIN CROSSOPT" (without quotes).
CROSSREF - 7 - Computerenergy Corporation
2. When EDLIN prints "End of input file", key a 1. EDLIN will
respond with a "1*".
3. Rekey the entire line with the defaults changed to the way
you want them, separated by commas, and press Enter.
4. After EDLIN displays "2*", press CTRL-BREAK.
5. After EDLIN displays the "*", key "E" (w/o quotes) and press
Enter. The new file will be saved.
CROSSREF - 8 - Computerenergy Corporation
6.1 Distribution Disk Contents
File Name Description
------------ --------------------------------------
CROSSREF.DOC Documentation
CROSSWDS.DAT Basic Syntax File
CROSSOPT Cross Reference Options File
CRMAIL.EXE Maillist/Donation Assistance
CRCOPY.BAT Copies Distribution Disk - both CROSSREF and
6.2 System Requirements
CROSSREF requires an IBM PC with 64K, DOS 1.1, and at least 1 disk
drive (2 disks highly recommended for development machines).
6.3 Disclaimer
All Computerenergy computer programs are distributed on an "as is"
basis without warranty.
Computerenergy Corporation and/or any of its program authors shall
have no liability or responsibility to customer or any other person
or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or
alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by programs distributed
in any manner by Computerenergy Corporation, including but not
limited to any interruption of service, loss of business or
anticipatory profits or consequential damages resulting from the use
or operation of such computer programs.
Note: Good data processing procedure dictates that the user test the
program, run and test sample sets of data, and run the system in
parallel with the system previously in use for a period of time
adequate to insure that results of operation of the computer program
are satisfactory.
CROSSREF - 9 - Computerenergy Corporation
If you can spare the time, we would appreciate your feedback and
suggestions to help us to improve CROSSREF. As an added inducement,
we will also send a free CROSSREF (corrected) to the first person
reporting each bug. Immediate family members of Computerenergy
employees are NOT eligible. If possible, each bug reported should
include a short-as-possible printout of the reference situation with
explanatory notes. Our unprejudiced judging panel will make "Bug
Awards" when the spirit moves them and, of course, their decisions
are final.
We are also aware of some esthetic errors when operating with the
color video interface. Those still remaining should be corrected
soon, but we'd still like to hear about any you find.
Please address correspondence to the address on the title page. (If
you've lost your title page, just send us a note and we'll send you
a new one.)
CROSSREF - 10 - Computerenergy Corporation